"Middle children have remarkable diplomatic skills."

-The Secret Power of Middle Children, by Catherine Salmon

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Dreams really DO come true!

What a wonderfully perfect day this has been so far! It began at 5:00 a.m., with juice and a birthday card, then a bit of a treasure hunt. My hubby is always surprising me with the funnest gifts. Last year I wanted to make a headboard for my bed and I got a beautiful, (huge) piece of plywood. This year I just asked for a foot rub (he gives a killer foot rub!) but he had been busy in his office for more than a week. So if he was practicing giving a foot rub, it wasn't on me! Ok, so back to the treasure hunt...
These were the clues I found in our bedroom, my artroom, the bathroom by the guestroom, in the guestroom, in the linen closet, in Ron's office, in the bathroom across from Ron's office, and our bedroom closet. Which eventually lead me to the toy closet in the bonus room where I found this:
Notice the size in comparison to Ron's drums. It was big and heavy! >WE INTERRUPT THIS POST TO BRING YOU THIS ANNOUNCEMENT: I am a super fan of artist James Christensen. I have been dreaming of one day owning a print of his work called The Ten Lepers.
Back to my post... So finally after years of dreaming... of wishing...of coveting... of searching on EBAY, Craigs list, KSL.com... my wish was fulfilled!!! I finally got the print of my heart's desire! . . . .
.. . I absolutely L.O.V.E. my husband. He makes me laugh every day! This is the best birthday EVER!

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