My Visiting Teachers came this morning. I answered the door in my robe and p.j.'s. Yeah, there, I said it. I answered the door and
invited them in, and I hadn't even brushed my teeth yet. And let's call it like it is, I'm no Natural Beauty. I know. You're shocked, right? I'm sure they were thinking: "That Ron is a luck-ee man." {Insert sarcasm here}. But they were super sweet and acted like they didn't notice the gigantor cyclopse zit in the middle of my forhead, or my matted hair. But what my dear friend
did notice was these little pansies growing in the seams of my driveway. They must have been blown there from last year's flower pots that were placed by the openings of the garage doors.

A true friend looks past the fact that it's after noon and you're still wearing your robe that has dried egg stuck on it, you have matted hair and unbrushed teeth, and tells you you have beautiful tiny pansies growing on your driveway. I
am the luckiest girl in the world!
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