"Middle children have remarkable diplomatic skills."

-The Secret Power of Middle Children, by Catherine Salmon

Friday, October 12, 2012

Quick trip to Utah

We landed in SLC and went to the Draper Temple to do a session. It was the first time for both Ron and myself to go there. It's beautiful. Then we made our way down to Erin and Ben's in Lehi. Tomorrow is Tyler's baptism and Blake's blessing.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Nature's Halloween decor

How's this for a cool Halloween picture? This is hanging off the CBU (central box unit) around the corner from my house. As much as I hate spiders and everything concerning them, I couldn't help but see the beauty in this as I went to pick up my mail. It's been foggy misty here today and there were tiny jewel-like drops of dew hanging off this web that made it sparkle.

A little baby holdin' time

We got to see and hold baby Lincoln yesterday at the hospital. There's nothing like holding a baby fresh from heaven. While we were there, Lincoln had his  routine hearing test. This little guy passed with flying colors!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

He's here!

Lincoln Mercer Williams came into this world at 3:22 a.m. Beautiful! This is numero dieciocho nietos for us. We are so grateful that he decided to come before we left town and that he and Angela are doing well. Around 2:00 this morning Landon came and crawled in bed with us but forgot "Puppy", so as I was retrieving Puppy from his bottom bunk, Logan poked his head over the top bunk and asked "Grandma where is my mommy?" I whispered "mommy's at the hospital having baby brother." Logan got a big grin on his face and laid back down. This morning we printed this picture of his new brother for Logan to take to school and show his class. Landon is still asleep. By the way, after about two hours of having Landon "sleep" in our bed, we put him back in his own bed. That kid is a WORK OUT! Here is an illustration of what he's like to sleep with. (bottom photo) Ha! Love it!

It's 12:05 a.m. I think we might be getting a new baby today!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

G.C. on the T.V. in the A.M.

I love love love General Conference. It is a time to renew and recommit and re-energize. And with our mission being just weeks away, you can bet that Ron and I were hanging on every word spoken this morning. Great A.M. session!
Announcements made by our Prophet, Thomas S. Monson, at Saturday morning session of General Conference: Two new Temples, Tucson Arizona and Peru. But I feel the "biggie" was the change in missionary age. Worthy young men can now serve at age 18. Worthy and desirous young women can now serve at age 19. This is wonderful news for young women especially. I think many young women would love to serve missions, but perhaps feel that coming home at the age of 23+ would narrow down the opportunity to get married. (Ok, that's just what goes on inside my worldly head.) As my friend on another blog said, the current Elders serving in the field are going to come back and wonder where all the girls went! Hope you enjoy the rest of Conference weekend!