"Middle children have remarkable diplomatic skills."

-The Secret Power of Middle Children, by Catherine Salmon

Friday, January 16, 2009

Kitty Tales

The cutest little kitty was dumped off in Hooper the other day. She was limping around on three legs. As I got out of my car she came up to me, meowing and purring. (long story short) I took it to the vet to see what could be done for the kitty's rear leg, which was dangling when it walked. Three XRays and 140.00 later (I explained to the Vet that this was a rescued animal hoping she would cut me a break... but no such luck) She told me we had three choices (1) euthanize the cat (2) build some kind of metal contraption to try to brace the leg till it healed (3) amputate the leg-which would be the least expensive of #2 & #3. At a cost of 600.00. YIKES! I think I'm in trouble. I scheduled the surgery to be done on monday. How I was going to pay for it I have no idea, but I brought the cat home with pain meds. to be administered until the day of the surgery. When I let her out to go potty, she didn't come back. Well I guess that took care of the problem of funding the surgery. She was a sweet little kitty. I hope someone will find her and take care of her leg.

Monday, January 12, 2009

I'm blogging!

I'm new to this blogging thing, so be patient with me. My head doesn't always keep up with my fingers, so any misspelled words are not because I don't know better. I will be writing about my grandchildren, my work, my friends, and ME, MYSELF, and I. So fasten your seat belt, keep your head and hands inside the vehicle and HOLD ON!