"Middle children have remarkable diplomatic skills."

-The Secret Power of Middle Children, by Catherine Salmon

Sunday, November 6, 2011

My husband the Patron Saint of Patience

My husband and I have been working on making a headboard for our bed....since last January. Okay, we haven't actually been working on it since January, but that's when I said "I'd like to make a headboard." I think I may have even said it under my breath, or whispered the words, or even thought about making a headboard, and the next thing I knew...I had the most beautiful (huge) piece of plywood sitting upstairs in my bedroom, waiting to be transformed. My hubby is like that. I have to be careful when I say I want something, because he will do his darndest to make it appear for me....except a kitty. I don't think he'd make one of those appear. Or a puppy. But anything I wouldn't have to feed or kennel while I was out of town, yes. Back to my headboard...I originally thought I wanted a fabric covered one. Something with simple, clean lines. So I searched and finally found just the fabric I wanted. Fabric, foam, batting, staple gun. We are in business. Ha! Or so he thought....(my husband is a saint)...I changed my mind. I no longer wanted a fabric covered headboard. I still like them and I think they can be beautiful. But I'd like something with some pretty mouldings. "Mouldings I can do!", he said. Off to Home Depot we go. Picked out a beautiful crown moulding for the top, and some thinner curvy moulding to make 3 'picture frames' in the center. That was easy. It's ready to paint and put up-maybe a good FHE project....except...this morning on the way to church I said "Honey....ya know how we have 3 moldings in the middle of the headboard?" "Yessss", he said. "Well, they bug me. I really don't like them. In fact I hate it. And I plan on using that headboard for a long time, and it will bug me forever if we don't change it." He said...and this is where my husband is up for canonization...."OK." So tomorrow we will tear off the 3 square shaped mouldings, putty, sand, replace with something else, putty, sand, paint, and maybe install the headboard this week. I'll post pictures when it's done. It's only been nine months....what's the hurry?

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