"Middle children have remarkable diplomatic skills."

-The Secret Power of Middle Children, by Catherine Salmon

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Ron's next~Booyah!

When we go through different phases in our lives (marriage, babies, buying a first home, etc.) we usually do it at the same time our friends do. This is a new wave of phases in our life, and it's starting with Ladd Dooley's retirement.
Dawn & Don Koeple, Ron & Kathy Williams, Judey & Hal Hartzel
Ron, Bob, Hal and Don, got the band together to play at Ladd's party. They're pretty good!
My very handsome hubby Ron, Don, Ladd, Hal and Bob. What a fun bunch of guys! Even more fun was the "after party, party". When we went over to Hartzels. The guys, Ron, Hal and Bob had an impromptu jam session and we had great conversation. That was the best!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Monday, January 30, 2012

Birthday celebrations continue...

Tracie and I celebrated our birthdays(which are 3 days apart) by going with our hubbies to The Lobster Shop restaurant. Fancy Schmancy. I had cedar plank cooked salmon...it was delish!
...and a little creme brulee for dessert. Yum-O!
****** Also, Judey took Tracie and myself out for a little breakfast at the golf course...oh boy, three words: Fab U Lous!

Gracie Jayne

Some things in life are just meant to bring you joy. Grandbabies are definitely one of those things!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

A glance back

Today marks 44 years to the day that I was baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. January 28, 1968 was a significant day in my life, but I wouldn't realize how significant for years to come. When I was eight years old my mom had only been a convert member for four years. She was an amazing woman, without a great LDS support system. My father was (to put it mildly) an inactive member. So much so, that I didn't even know he was a member of the church until I was an adult. Needless to say, our home wasn't a gospel centered home, and I wasn't quite sure what being baptized really meant. I now marvel at the eight year olds who have been taught gospel principles their entire lives, and are prepared to be baptized. This year we will have two grandchildren baptized. They have each grown up in amazing families who teach and live the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And for that, I am grateful. I would like Ella and Tyler to know I have a testimony of Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice for each one of us. I love my Savior. Forty four years is a blink when you look at the whole picture. I have been blessed beyond measure.

Friday, January 27, 2012

One Amazing ARK

My uber talented brother-in-law, Clayton, made this ARK for me. I asked him to build it so Ron and I could put our animals on it that we collect on our travels. The top (the house part) comes off and it's empty inside. I love it! And I love my bro.-in-law for making it for me when his workshop was officially closed. Thanks Clayt!

More Happy Birthday

...It was as if Heavenly Father said "Hey, it's your birthday, here's some gorgeous sunshine." It was the loveliest day. My dear friend, Becki, picked me up and treated me to lunch at Burgerville. I had a cheeseburger and the most devine chocolate cherry shake! She is so much fun to visit with.
Becki is the kind of person who inspires you to be better than you are. I love that girl! Some friends stopped by with fun surprises, and our kids sent me some fun things to open as well. I got texts and calls wishing me happy birthday and I got to go to the dentist...hey, who doesn't consider N2O a happy birthday present??
******** ******** Later, my hubby had fresh flowers delivered to me. He also gave me a beautiful necklace and pair of earrings, which I can't wait to wear someplace fancy, and he cooked a most delicious (and surprising) bacon wrapped filet mignon dinner, cleaned everything up himself, and gave me the Most. Amazing. Footrub. Ever! Yep, it was a great day to turn 52!