"Middle children have remarkable diplomatic skills."

-The Secret Power of Middle Children, by Catherine Salmon

Monday, September 24, 2012

WARNING: This post is not Rainbows & Butterflies

Ugh! I just came from the movie theater. We saw the movie/documentary 2016: Obama's America, by Dinesh D'Souza. It was informative, but more importantly it cleared up some issues for me that I couldn't quite put my finger on. Remember back in '08 when everyone was eagerly awaiting the "change" with "hope"? I blogged about it in 2009... read this
While I did NOT vote for the guy, I'll admit I did find him to be intoxicating with his acceptance speech at the DNC and his inaugural speech. (And weren't we all eager to show the world how far we had come from the racist generation of our parents and grandparents?) But smooth talking can only get you so far. At some point you have to have "product" to back up your sales pitch. And I'm afraid America is no longer buying what Obama is selling. watch here.  Sad. No leader, be it of our country, or otherwise, should be serving the people who voted for him/her, with any kind of personal agenda. The idea of giving America "hope" under the guise of "change", when you know the change you are talking about is not to make America better, but to fulfill some personal askewed dream from your immoral Johnny Appleseed father, is just that...a guise. And a guise by any other name is still a lie.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Loved this column and this couple!

Go here to read a refreshing story of a newlywed couple

Logan scores....A whole bunch!!

I love to watch little kids play sports. Tonight we watched one of our grandsons play soccer, and their team was really good! I mean, little kids playing soccer usually look like a big ol' constant group hug running around the field. But these little boys were playing actual defense and everything. Kudos to their coach (Jon)! Another thing I love about watching little kids play, is their lack of inhibitions when it comes to expressing pure joy! It's both hysterical to watch and heartwarming!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

ET can't phone home

We've cancelled our home phone. We had a phone in every room of the house. Literally. But they were in sad shape and would on occassion just hang up while we were talking to someone. Which was embarrassing because it was usually like the Bishop or Abuela, or someone else you really didn't want to hang up on in the middle of a conversation. I hadn't memorized the number (which I'm sure was an easy one, I just hadn't committed it to memory) because I never had to. I have, however, memorized Ron's number. Finally. I think.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Playing catch up on the weekend

Feliz Cumpleanos to my little brother Greg! He turns 50 today!

Yesterday was our cute D.I.L. Vanessa's birthday, she turned 27, which happens to be my favorite number.
My Photo

Saturday Ron and I participated in the service project our stake was involved in at Point Defiance Park.
Sue Cousins, Emily & Jeannette Hill, Debbie & Pres. Gessel, Ron & me
Here we are chopping down Yarrow on the hill across from the park entry.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Boy did we have a fun summer! We bought a National Park pass in June and we've used it 9 times! It paid for itself the third time we used it!

Today we are off on a new adventure....
To The Olympic Nat'l Park. 

My handsome hubby!
  The view of the Olympic Mountains from the Hurricane Ridge Visitors Center is really an amazing sight to see.
My honey and me on top of the mountain

Here are some of the tree's in the rainforest, all mossy.

These trees crossed the road to make an "A" frame.

This cedar tree was huge. It was six trees that grew together.

The coast was amazing with all the huge logs that have been taken out  to sea by the waves, then washed up on the shores.

It was such a fun quick trip. We are so blessed to live in an area with such beauty so close.

 We went through an artsy little town called Port Townsend.

...Sorry, I just can't help myself. Oh, and while on this street, in this very block...there was this ped. xing sign, and .....

If you need to cross a street anywhere in the world, this is probably the most safe place to cross!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


I'm cleaning out all the old drafts of posts and I just accidentally deleted my last post (that wasn't a draft). It was about 9/11, and I don't have the emotional energy to write it again. Wah Wah Wah.