"Middle children have remarkable diplomatic skills."

-The Secret Power of Middle Children, by Catherine Salmon

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Fun, simple project

With school starting this week, I made these little Rolo pencils (found on Pinterest, of course!) with a thought for the Young Women lesson that I taught on Sunday. I had good helpers (Logan, Landon, & Angela) with the project and that made it super easy to do.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Also on our Oregon stop:

Was the cheese factory. Not to be confused with the Cheesecake Factory. We had Tillamook squeaky cheese and Mudslide ice cream! Yum-O!
And while we were in Cannon Beach we stopped at Bruce's Candy Kitchen and watched them make salt water taffy. Hmm...I see a happiness thread here...
Ron and I got up Thursday morning and went to the Portland Temple and did a session. The temple is beautiful. It has a lot of the same designs (interior) as the Las Vegas Temple, and they were both dedicated the same year ('89). I'd be interested to know if they were designed by the same architect.
On our way home we went drove up to... Mount St. Helen's. (Which is in Washington, not Oregon, I know)
Talk about amazing! I remember when this thing (the mountain, not my hubby) blew her top. I was living in Utah, and I recall there being the most beautiful sunsets courtesy of all the ash that had entered the atmosphere...anyway, they have a cool movie at the visitor's center and afterward (spoiler alert!) they lift the screen and open the curtains to the most incredible view of Mount St. Helen's!
If you have the opportunity to go up to this National Park and Visitor's Center, I highly recommend it!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Our May visit in August

We spent the afternoon at Cannon Beach with Janae, Annabelle and Daniel. The weather was warm and foggy. Absolutely no wind to blow out the fog, but by mid-afternoon the sun was out and the fog had burned off.
The kids had a great time playing in the sand. Daniel ate half the beach and LOVED it!
Annabelle had such a good time digging in the sand with Grandpa!
Janae talked me into touching one of those sea stars... (I still call them star fish) They aren't as squishy as they look...but they're still kinda icky.
We've had a great time visiting the May's in Oregon, but we missed having Peter here. but we missed not having Peter here Guhh!! Peter was gone and we've missed him. There!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Our two mini missionaries

This was taken in our entryway just before we headed off to church. Aren't they so cute! Landon gave the prayer and the scripture in primary today, and he did a fantastic job!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Picnic with our ward & a bad camera day!

We had our ward picnic today. Here are some of the fabulous pictures I took >insert sarcasm here< My hubby's backside ...which, really I kinda like! ;)
My daughter-in-law's toes (what??) and part of my adorable grandson Landon!
My crazy friend Julie and her cute (big) grandbaby Noah...
Part of Ron's face, Julie's (even crazier) mom, and Julie's husband, Rayland
These guys (who are so small they're practically unidentifiable)playing soccer
...yeah, I'm an awesome fotografer! Picher taker! shutterbug! None of the above! Enjoy this post!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

A must-read!

I don't really have patience for reading fiction. Occasionally historical fiction will interest me, but something like Harry Potter or Lord of The Rings, umm no thanks. Ron and I just finished this Memoir by Chris Williams. I knew of the events that took place, mostly because I lived in Utah when it occured and it was a pretty big story. But there is a story within the story that I did not know about, and it gives insight to what led this man in the direction his life took long before the tragedy that took his family. It's an emotional read of true Christ-like living. I highly recommend it.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Our day date to Seattle

Ron surprised me on our date today, by taking me to the University of Washington. I thought we were walking down to the water to take pictures, maybe watch some boats sailing across Lake Washington.
Nope. He rented a canoe, and we were going for a canoe ride across the lake.
This is where I start hyperventilating. I had to look at my feet for the first part of the ride across the lake. To say that large bodies of water scare me is like saying the Pacific Ocean is damp....I am over-the-top petrified of water. How my husband talked me into this I have no idea! He's good at that...talking me into doing scary things.
There were lot's of cool things to see.
Beautiful scenery.
(My favorite bit of scenery -my handsome hubby)
How beautiful is this?? I halfway wondered if we'd start to hear dueling banjo's when we started down this little path under the bridge. By the time we made it over to the arboritum I was a little more relaxed.
We saw some Blue Heron...
...and lot's of duckies
Then we had to paddle back across the Mont Lake cut to get back to where we started...yikes, that big body of water again!
But we made it back safely...and it was a great day! I love my Ron.
Thanks for a wonderful adventure honey!