"Middle children have remarkable diplomatic skills."

-The Secret Power of Middle Children, by Catherine Salmon

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Now I've seen EVERYTHING! (literally)

So I'm driving home from the grocery store, going on the back roads. School has just let out and there are kids walking home, so I have to be extra careful and go slow - like I don't ALWAYS go slow... 'cause I DO... Anyway, there was a group of 3 or 4 high-schoolish age boys walking ahead of me, and ya know how some ghetto kids think it's cool to wear their pants off their "behinds"? I kid you not, this is literally what I saw one of the kids wearing:
BELOW HIS KNEES! Are ya kiddin' me?? When did this NOT become indecent exposure? I didn't have presence of mind to grab my camera phone and snap a picture, but I did roll down the passenger window and yell out these four words like some old lady:
Maybe the four words I yelled shoulda been
I think after my early-bird buffet, I'm coming home to watch Lawrence Welk and settle in with a nice cup of Geritol. G'night.

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